Mrs Caz Jefferies
01297 552307
Usual Office Hours
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
9.30am – 1.30pm
Contact us
Fr Steven Martin
01297 553180
Your Ministry Team
The Reverend Nigel Freathy
01297 647274
The Reverend Canon Colin Preece
01297 552141
The Reverend Canon Karen Curnock
07460 244475
The Reverend Ann Stuckey
07473 664328
The Right Reverend Dr Oliver Simon
The Reverend Ghislaine Shortland
Dr Charles Hill (LLM)
07709 980640
Mrs Sue McCullough (LLM)
01297 552446
Mrs Linda Joy (Children and Families worker)
07796 063208
Click for a list of people who can help, in many aspects of church & community activities.