Sue Irving 01297 552440
Caddie Doulton 01297 552558
The church is open daily.
Below is the usual service pattern for St Michael’s Parish Church. Please check the weekly pew sheet (below) for any changes.
1st Sunday
10.00am-Village Praise
2nd Sunday
11.15am-Holy Communion (BCP)
3rd Sunday
11.15am-Holy Communion
4th Sunday
3.30/6.30pm* Evening Prayer (BCP)
5th Sunday
Please refer to weekly service sheet
* Sunday evening prayer at 6.30pm Summer (March to Oct) and 3.30pm winter (Nov to Feb)
Sue Irving 01297 552440
Caddie Doulton 01297 552558
The main entrance to the church has no steps and has proved suitable for wheelchairs. There are 2 steps up to the chancel. We regret we have no church toilet and there is no public toilet in the village.
Musbury Flower Project
Musbury Church dates from the 13th century. The first known Rector was instituted in 1204. Many reconstructions have taken place over the years, with extensive changes in the 19th century. A fine organ, supplied by Bevington in 1870, was restored in 1990. The regularly rung peal of six bells dates from 1785.
The most striking feature of the interior is the Drake Monument, built in 1611 and extended in 1646. The figures represent members of the Drake family who lived in Ashe House, Musbury. They are depicted in a very rare arrangement of three kneeling couples. The last couple includes Elizabeth, the granddaughter of Sir John and Lady Drake; she was the Mother of the first Duke of Marlborough, born Ashe, in 1650. The Drakes lived in Musbury until 1793, when Ashe House was sold out of the family, but they returned to the village in 1947.
The monument was repaired and conserved in 2023 by McNeilage Conservation, thanks to the generosity of Anthony Drake of Ashe (who lives in the village today) and William Tyrwhitt, descendants of Sir Bernard Drake. The church also received support from the Pilgrim Trust and the St Andrew’s Conservation Trust.
Musbury produces a Parish News Magazine quarterly, which is distributed free to every household in the village. The magazine contains contributions from the church and all other local groups and societies, together with a diary of all scheduled events. The editor is Jolly Sargent (552470).
Jolly Sargent 01297 552470
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