The Church is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of its ministry and mission, promoting a safer culture and the welfare of every child, young person and adult. As such, the Church has robust policies, procedures and guidelines in place to ensure good practice.
Your safety
If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak to someone.
Parish Safeguarding Officers/Representatives
Rector of the Holyford Mission Community:
Revd Dr Steven Martin 01297 553180
Branscombe: Dr Charles Hill 07709980640
Colyford, Colyton, Northleigh & Southleigh:
Dr Phillip Ambler 07775 863340
Musbury: Sue Irving 01297 552440
To contact the officers by email, please contact the administrator who will provide you with the information you require.